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Why the Holidays Are a Golden Opportunity for B2B Marketers

MANY businesses assume the holiday season is just for B2C brands chasing Black Friday deals or Cyber Monday clicks. But in our experience, the festive season offers B2B marketers’ unique opportunities to stand out and make a significant impact! While many may see the holidays as a time to slow down, it’s actually the perfect moment to accelerate your B2B efforts and set the stage for success.



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B2B buyer behaviour within the wider marketing mix

B2B and B2C buyer behaviour has taken a drastic shift within the last decade. Thanks to the internet and what Google have labelled the online decision-making Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT), businesses and consumers favour the use of online searches to make decisions about your brand – and more notably, whether or not they’ll buy from you!


Customer Engagement & Relationship Marketing, Customer Retention & Loyalty, Customer Satisfaction, Professional Associations & Membership Organisations, Stakeholder Engagement

Getting the Most out of Your Members : Engagement

In our previous article, we looked at how to get the most out of your member renewal process. We now move on to how to engage your members earlier on to improve how renewals are received.


Customer Engagement & Relationship Marketing, Customer Retention & Loyalty, Customer Satisfaction, Professional Associations & Membership Organisations

Getting the Most out of Your Members: Renewal

As working practices change, regulatory requirements evolve, and technology continues to drive innovation across sectors, many professional associations we work with are aware of their need to adapt to this fast-changing market landscape. Responding to all these changes while still maintaining value for members can be a challenge and, for many associations, maximising member value has become more pressing than ever.


Colleges & Universities, Customer Engagement & Relationship Marketing, Lead Generation, Lead Nurturing, Public & Third Sector, Stakeholder Engagement

How the UK's Leading Universities Are Supporting Small Businesses

Did you know that up and down the country, the UK's leading universities are offering a range of business support services and schemes designed for SME's?


Appointment Setting, Customer Engagement & Relationship Marketing, Lead Generation, Other Sectors

Is telemarketing dead?

The rise of inbound marketing tactics has led to some suggesting that more traditional, outbound marketing channels – such as telemarketing – will die out. But maybe, rather than seeing them as conflicting approaches, we should look at how to integrate the two.


Business Services, Customer Engagement & Relationship Marketing, Customer Retention & Loyalty, Distributors & Builders Merchants, Enterprise IT, Facilities Management, Financial Services & Fintech, Logistics, Manufacturers, Marketing Partnerships, Medical & Pharma, Other Sectors, Stakeholder Engagement

Marketing During Coronavirus

It is more important now than ever to be seen and to engage positively with your audience. How you go about this is what can make all the difference. We have come up with a few simple tips to help business owners, sales and marketing teams and leaders, plan and maintain visibility in the right way at a time when business confidence is at an all-time low. Hopefully you can put some of these tips to practice!


Customer Engagement & Relationship Marketing, Database Cleansing, Database Profiling & Purchasing, Free Data Quality Audit, Other Sectors, Stakeholder Engagement

What does GDPR mean for your marketing?

All organisations that handle personal data will be affected by the new European General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) in some way. Whilst there is some fear around the impact of the new regulations across B2B organisations, it’s important to recognise the benefits too!
